Friday, January 30, 2015

New Year... New Me

January is a new year...... and as many Facebookers like to post, "New year, new me!!" As cliche as it might sound, one of my friends and I made a new year's resolution dedicated to being healthier. We started eating better foods, watching nutrition labels, and sticking to a work out schedule. I know it's still super early in the year, but we've stuck to it so far, and I'm really excited to see where it takes us.

I've tried to make New Year's resolutions in the past, but I've never actually stuck to them before; I'm sure we've all been there. We start, feel great, and after a while, the excuses start to flood over us, and we surrender to temptation.

I'm not going to tell you to get fit in 2015, but I am going to urge you to stick to your resolution! I've made it roughly a month so far, which is the farthest I've ever gotten! Also, now that I'm writing this, I'll look ridiculous if I give up, so now I have to keep up with my resolution.

The whole "New Year New Me" phrase is a little childish. Everyone says it, but how rewarding would it be if you actually stuck to it?  So why should we make resolutions (and stick to them)?

You Feel Great!
Feeling dedicated to something you are really trying to accomplish is a feeling so outrageously wonderful!You get that, "Yeaaah! I did it!" moment. Baby steps go a long way when you look back at how far you've come. So far, I am very proud of myself for sticking to a goal, and I couldn't feel better!

Everyone Is Doing It!
the New Year is a great time to make that change you've been wanting to for days/weeks/months/years because a lot of other people will also be wanting to make a change! Sine everyone wants something done, you can all work together to achieve a common goal! This will help you build relationships with others, while you simultaneous work towards something you really want.

Your Friends/Family Will Be Proud
If you have people that care about you, they will likely care about your resolution! They will guide you when you need assistance, and express their pride in your accomplishments. I know that personally, I feel a thousand times better about my resolution when my mom texts me about how she's glad I'm doing something good for myself, or when my friends text me encouraging words. It makes sticking to my goals that much easier and fun.

It's Fun
The only way you're going to stick to your resulotion is if you enjoy doing it! I really love going to the gym with my friend. It makes it a million times more exciting, and working out has become something I look forward to after class.

You Can Brag About It On Social Media When You're Done
Let's face it... when it comes to social media, we love nothing more than giving updates on our lives. So how great would it feel to post a picture of yourself and feel condifent doing so? Or updating your Facebook friends letting them know you quit smoking? Or that you can climb mountins now? It'll be super neat, that's the answer.

New Me
Your final result. What you've been waiting and working for is just around the corner with a lil hard work and deedication! You want this, so why not put in work? The feeling of change can be scary, but if it's for the best, GO FOR IT.

Your Goal Setting Skills Develop
When you follow through with a really difficult resolution, you'll be more likely to set goals for yourself in the future... not only will you set them, you'll stick to them because you have experience doing so.

So don't lose faith! Ryan and I believe in you and your abilities! 


  1. I have made resolutions before but also never really stuck with them. I find it hard to see the new year as a good reason to stick to a goal. On the other hand, I have to agree with your reasons why sticking to a goal in general is really good. I made a goal to try to eat healthier and have stuck to it so far and I feel great. I also agree that friends make it so much easier.

  2. Your post covered a lot of really solid reasons to stick to new year's resolutions and I hope I can stick to mine, for once! I can't say I've been doing very well so far, but you're very right that being able to brag about succeeding is one of the best parts. We never want to admit it, but it's so true!

  3. I love this post. Sticking to your own goals feels super awesome! I love setting new intentions at all times during the year; my January one was to respect my boundaries and be more genuine! Also I've recently set the goal to cut off my addiction to caffeine-- it feels wonderful to report to everyone that I have abstained for 6 days. The reasons you've listed are great motivators to keep at it... and Ryan Gosling doesn't hurt either! (;

  4. 1. This is so true--I need to stick with my New Year's Resolution this year for sure, and this post is awesome motivation! 2. I'm proud that you're so motivated and genuine about your new resolutions--I have no doubt that you'll get exactly the results you aimed for! 3. Thank you for including Ryan Gosling because, if we're being honest, he makes everything better.
